
Updates, Romance, Updates

So it's been a little while since I last wrote, but I'm happy to say everything is going well.  I am still doing school during the weeks, meeting new people in class, and outside of class.  I still don' know for sure how long I'll be here, but at least another two-three months.  My roommates decided they want to move to a nicer neighborhood, where they can only afford a single between them two.  I think this is great!  I like it here,     so that leaves me with two options stay here and find people to fill in, or start looking on craig's list, because I don't want to live in a  hostel for months haha.  I have just over three weeks to figure it out, so I'm not worried.  Everything has been great in the last week, meeting new people, exploring a beautiful city, and have been on three dates with an amazing girl.

Luli is 24 and is a graphic design student at UBA (Universidad de Buenos Aires).  She is sweet, so fun, beautiful, and smart as hell.  Our dates have been half dates/half spanish lessons, spanish lessons are just a perk...but we really can talk...and she's taught me that I will be able to learn the language.  I ask that we speak as much Spanish as possible so that I can learn more and respect her primary language.  It's been really nice to go out with her because she's an amazing person, but also has opened my eyes to much more about life here. She is just intelligent and easy to talk to, and when it comes down o it, think we really enjoy each others company and all that we have to share and teach.  On Sunday, we went to the San Telmo market.  She called it my day, because I got to show her my neighborhood, as she hasn't spent much time in this Barrio, and show her where I go, what I do.  It was an amazing day filled with music, cafe stops, shopping, talking, eating, and smiling.  At night, we sat in Doreggo Square at an outside table for hours, and just chatted and told our stories.  It's funny how culture can be so different but at the same time be so similar in what matters: family, friends, education, and passions.  And in those parallels, is where details are so different but at their root the same values interwoven in mine.  I can't really say anymore, except that it's been really nice.  I think I am very lucky to have met her because of how genuine and truly special she is.

I am pushing myself harder, to be more motivated to learn the language.  I often get frustrated when I can't understand or express what I am trying to say...and I know that is part of learning a language.  But  I have never been in such a situation, where I could not find success quickly, in something I want so bad.  I know with time, practice, and schooling I will improve.  I am not saying I haven't learned anything, my frustration comes from me still not being fluent and when I can't express what I am trying to get across.  I lack patience clearly, but I'm expressing this so show my desire to seriously learn not only the language, but about the culture, so that I can communicate with them, more than just the surface.  The school is great and my teachers are teaching me so much, and in these spanish lessons I think I will learn more than just spanish but other deeper lessons.

I also just have to add for my proud irish friends and family, that yes I have met some true irishmen, and they have proven to be all that is said of the Irish.  Darragh McHenry, Brian Hennessy, and Jeremy Murphy all from around Cork? I think...  anyways they're awesome guys and it's just nice because I've never met any lads from the homeland outside family and friends.
After another week of Spanish, I'm going to start applying and hunting down for the best teaching positions for English.  I think my Spanish and English grammar knowledge exceed the expectations of your standard school, and think it's gonna really be a good change from strictly school.  I will keep you informed.  

I also don't want to make this blog become homework, and may start posting shorter updates, kind of as they come in.   This one weekly block of text becomes work to an extent and that is the last thing I want.  Either way,  I'm doing this for my family and friends to keep in touch, but more importantly,  for me and a way to kind of record thoughts, dreams, observations, life discoveries, hope, and just to be able to read how much this period of my life will go down as the greatest adventure I will ever have.

Hope everyone in the states is doing well.  I never knew how much I would miss my country until leaving it.  Proud to be from the US (they don't like when you say american...because they're american too).  It really puts a lot into perspective, and no, not how messed up our system is, but what is actually good, and what actually works about it, and aspects I stand behind.  We take all that the US has for granted, and people who have travelled and been in foreign places for an extended amount of time, I'm sure, know what I mean.  I also know that you don't need to travel to appreciate what the States have, it's just that visibility in everyday life, the little differences.  I am not speaking against the culture here; it is absolutely beautiful.  We could learn a lot from the people here as well.  There are just certain things I miss.  Rambles, Rambles.  I'm going to stop now.  I know I still have a lot to learn, which is why I think I will laugh at this in retrospect.  I just wanted to voice the love and appreciation I have for my country.

To everyone back at home, miss you, and will check in soon.  

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