
Trip to an old-school barber or peluqueria!

Trip to an old-school barber or peluqueria! So after several weeks in this hot and humid city and sweating heavily due to my longish hair, I decided I was going to find a barber shop. After googling it and reading up, I heard that the old school, all men smokin cigars, sipping whiskeys, was one of the best experiences and it being more of a social thing, I had to check it out. I was going to do it later, but on my walk home from shopping down town I saw one. I decided I had to check it out, and that it would also be great practice; hanging out with your barber, and just that small talk you have with them. It was perfect, a bunch of older men sitting around in suits, in the chairs, smoking cigars, sipping drinks. Faces full of foam, the smell of hair spray and gel. old wood facade, decor, and the coolest chairs all of which was a total time warp...especially the suits these guys had one. I was in the 30's! Ernesto, my barber, was a slender older man, and it was just as I expected. We had a great 30 minute conversation. I could understand and speak back, asking how long hes been doing this, if he had kids/grandkids. He told me how he studied in Chicago, and that he loved it there, etc. I vtold him why I was here, where I'm going, where I was from, talked about Aconcagua,etc. But it was the first time where I felt able to carry a conversation without getting all awkward and stumbling on my words. Yes, it was very hard to explain to him how I wanted my haircut, so we jsut kept taking it down saying " poquito mas, poquito mas" (a little more). But it turned out nice, and it just felt like the first time I didn't get all nervous and the guys in there were nice; loving that I was trying. My accent is probably terrible, but hell, I'm not gonna worry about that for a while, and the argentines admit to having the hardest accent and the fast spoken spanish out of most of them. It was just nice to have a real conversation.

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