

There's a lot up in the air right now as to next steps.  But it is truly exciting.  I am trying to figure out next steps.  I have committed to a three month lease, which is nothing but excitement.  I am loving it here, and learning, and experiencing new things, meeting new people every day.  What I am trying to figure out now is exactly what to turn this trip into.  Right now I am committed to two more weeks (at least) of intensive (30hrs per weeks) of spanish class, which is amazing because I am learning so much everyday.  What I am doing right now is working on my resume, after a friend explained she is connected int he expat culture.  So I could actually live and work here.  Which would be a sure thing of becoming fluent, while getting work experience abroad.  I don't see a downside to this, except that I would be here for a while, delaying my travels.  I have made a promise to myself that I will not leave this continent without experiencing much more of its culture and geography.  I still want to, and will do everything I initially stated...but it may be delayed.  I am just trying to figure out where/what I see myself doing.  I will be traveling from Buenos Aires, using it as my hub, and plan going to destinations in Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, Brazil.  I love it here so much, and can see myself here for at least a year, especially if I find work that suits me.  I could also teach english and not go for a real job, but I am literally going with the flow of where life is taking me, and right now I feel there's a good opportunity, a chanced of finding real work...abroad...which would be a sure way to learn the language and culture.  So I'm just going to continue letting things unfold as they come and see what happens.

What I do know is if I don't find work, I will have to start moving, for sake of money.  But right now I couldn't be happier.  I am seeing a beautiful person, and learning so much from her.  I have made good friends, I continue to make friends every week.  I am learning so much in school.  I am learning about myself and life in general.  I am learning how much is possible in life, but also how short life is, and must truly live it up and cherish every moment of uncertainty.  I am learning how being lost in a place, is where you find out the most about yourself because all you know is yourself when you're in a foreign place, with the world being your limit.  I have realized I can go in any direction I choose, but also realize that every decision I make, is a turn in my life...so I am choosing my direction with caution and clarity.  All I know now is that things are good, positive, educational, every day is a lesson, everyday I learn something new, and that is how life should be when you're young.

You know how much I love to ramble, but I hope that out of all this, something resonates with somebody, because life is honestly so short, and you must adventure, fall down, get up, make mistakes, get lost, find yourself, and experience all you can, because that is what life is.  Life is one big adventure (or should be), and I am not ready to just live a boring 9-5 life yet. While you are young, you must adventure and live dangerously.  I have seen so many people and heard so many people stress over jobs and these mundane things.  And yes, at a point (when raising a family or when you've had your share of adventure) you can settle down, knowing you've put yourself out there and gotten uncomfortable.  I am saying this because, never in my life, in such a short period of my life, have i learned so much about myself and life; about what it really means to live.  I do envy people at home, who have already got jobs and just haver this security, but at the same time, so happy that I am not there yet, because, god willing, I will have the rest of my life to figure all of that out...and I know myself well enough to know that I will do alright, in whichever direction I choose to go in life...I know I will be alright.  I also know that I will look back on this time in my life, as the time where I truly lived, truly adventured, where I had fun and got dirty.  I know that this will go down as the most fun I will ever have in my life, and you know what?.. educational as well.  I am not just having fun.  I am truly learning, and immersing myself into a very uncomfortable but exciting situation.  I am finding out who I am, and who I am not, what I might want to do and what I learn I'll never do.  Jobs will always be there.  Well actually probably more when I get back because, the job market and job hunting is just a big waste of energy and stress right now.  Whats the point? Ok, so I lose a year in the rat race...thats the last thing I care about right now.  But I am finding many more important things besides a job, like who I am, what I'm capable of, a foreign culture, a language, educating myself on cultures outside the US (because there is more out there).

My rambles are, again, for me to look back on.  If you get anything from this, just understand that jobs will be there.  If you're already working and you love it, that is amazing.  I hope I find a job I love, and if I don't I'll search and move around until I do, because there is absolutely no point in living life unhappily.  Life is and should be a beautiful happiness-generating thing, and what I know about myself is that I will put my happiness and my health before any stupid 9-5 where I make more money than my neighbor.  Maybe i'll have less zeros on the end of my pay check, but I'll be happier and live longer because of it.  And also, to travel, to live outside of the US to realize how lucky our country is.  I was talking to a friend about this today.  So many people complain and bitch 24/7 about what doesn't work in the US, but it's not until you leave, to realize how fucking good we actually have it.  I am still only a couple months into my travels, and have learned so much more than I ever have in my life.  If people are still in college...after you're done...don't go straight to work or school again...go live and adventure for a year.  Enjoy yourself and learn.

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