
3/25- Updates and RAMBLES

Hello! I know it's been a little while, but you know how it is when life just moves so quickly.  I like writing sundays because it's the one day where I'm not "GO GO GO".  Tonight I'm makin some stir fry with my roommate and watchin movies.  This weekend was really nice and very laid back.  This week was pretty fun because a new group of twenty or so students came in, and I have made lots of new friends.  After school, we all did somethin almost every day.  Visited the famous recoletta cemetery, went to parks, walked around the city, and more.  Friday after school a group of ten or fifteen of us went to a really nice park near my house.  It's my new running spot...and it is indeed a beautiful park.  I bought a futbol, and brought it down.  We played a pretty nice game with students from Brazil, Denmark, Australia, Russia, Israel, US, French, Deutsch, England, and I have to say I had a blast.  I hadn't played soccer in years, and surprisingly scored two goals :)

Almost everyday I go for big runs, and just recently got my roommate running with me and its pretty nice.  I feel strong and healthy and always energized afterwards.  I am learning tons, and can more or less carry conversations.  The trouble for me is hearing and understanding still.  I can read perfectly and talk pretty comfortable, but some people just talk very fast!  I went out with my Irish buddies and Luli and her friend on Friday, and just walked around one of the plazas close to my house.  Lots of fun, and later we met up with the kids from my school.  Big group of us just cruised around.  I don't know if I mentioned this but my roommate plays guitar, so its nice...but we only have one guitar.  SO, I play harmonica, and have been teaching him a little bit on the harmonica.  My spanish teacher (who i think spoke about and is a musician) is currently looking for playing space, and told me I could come jam whenever...which would be amazing!  I also went to a Milonga (tango class/get together).  Very cool to see tango so alive.  I cannot tell you how much I hate modern dancing and the butt grinding.  Here, there exists a very passionate and lively dance that has a long history.  It was this old dimly lit warehouse with art and old wood in it.  It was an overall amazing experience and was tempted to learn, but I was cursed with big feet and literally can't dance to this day without tripping and getting feet stepped on haha.  But I just wish there was some type of dance in the states.  I really want to bringback swing...but that's another blog...

I am for sure going to Uruguay with Luli this coming weekend, and also am going to try and get to a futbol match with her and her brother.  Saturday I went to a very nice garden park, where Luli and I just walked around. I met a cat and am obsessed with him.  I was never really a cat person (and can't be bc of allergies), but I miss playing with animals!  So that was fun haha, this garden is a sort of haven for stray cats...but they seem to get along just fine.

I am still living day by day, continuing classes and trying to decide exactly where to go from here.  I am still loving the city, but think I am going to start to travel on the weekends, and try and escape to some form of nature, because I am having nature withdrawal haha.  I also found a climbing gym! And I am pissed because I packed my shoes...and had my harness...but took my shoes out for space reasons...and because I didn't have my shoes...sent my harness back.  But I am going to try and get a membership there or at least go once a week because I miss climbing so much.  When we go on ours runs, there is a section where they have all those outdoors bars and workout benches, so we sometimes do pull-ups etc.

I've just decided I need to expel energy somehow because it in turn gives you energy and makes you feel rejuvenated and alive.  I was never a big runner, but I have to say...after I run I feel the best I do all day.  I've also noticed the change in my body which is always a nice thing haha.  I don't have my climbing muscles anymore, but am getting more of a runners body because I literally run a shit ton.  I don't know why I was always opposed to running, well I think it was purely because I was bored.  But here, I am running in a foreign place,and its a great way to explore the city, great people watching, and the most important is MUSIC.  Depending on my mood and music, I run faster or slower...but when a song comes on that just really hypes me up...I get the chills and literally start sprinting and that is why I continue running day after day...it feels so good.  I also run purely for the sake of sun.  Nobody runs during the day here except me and a few other crazy people because It's hot...the streets are crowded...and its torture...but at the same time I love when  I come back and my clothes are soaked and I can see how much energy I used.  The park is really nice, it reminds me of those big boardwalks in california or jersey, where there are lanes for bikers, runner,s walkers, etc.  I ran on saturday and it was the funniest experience of my life.  

Did you think rollerblading was gone? out of style? stupid? Well on saturdays at Parque Rosedale, there are hundreds, maybe even thousands of rollerbladers, all ages all types of people just doing laps...and yes beautiful girls in small shorts...it is quite the scene for people watching.  It is so funny how rollerblading is quite big here.  Don't worry I won't become a roller-blader this week.  It's is just hilarious! I wish I took pictures!

Anyway, still in school 6 hours a day, spanish, spanish, spanish.  Its also nice because half of the new kids are Brazilian, and so we all can only communicate through spanish which means I am doing spanish at school, after school when I hangout with these people, and then usually when Luli and I hang out!  Its marvelous.  Wish there was a way I could show you all my progression but just trust and believe me haha.

Things are great, and sadly for you (happy for me) don't think I'll be coming back to the states any time soon.  I will be here until at least may...quite possibly longer if I find a teaching job.  Then after,  I am thinking I want to just work my way north...possibly all the way up through central america.  Right now is my immersion, time to learn the language, and live in a culture...but after this I am going to be a very transient person, moving from place to place.  I am guessing finding some jobs, volunteering opportunities, adventures, and more along the way.  I am also open to staying down here if I find something.  But this is the adventure, NOT KNOWING... I'll keep you all updated ;)

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