

FINALLY, some adventure is coming up.  This weekend I'm taking a boat to Colonial with my friend Luli and were gonna explore the Tigre river a little bit (i also need to renew my visa) and possibly spending the night but probably not.  Then next week, Aaron (my roommate) and I are either hopping on a bus, or renting a vehicle and driving up to Iguazu Falls.  It is a spectacular sight.  Here's a picture for proof.  We're going to spend a couple days there because it's a huge spot for people from all around the world to go.  It is in the northern tip of Argentina, but also borders Brazil and Paraguay.  

After spending a couple days there, taking pictures, and hiking, we are going to head to the northwest of Argentina to a place called Salta...which I've heard is like the Boulder, CO of Argentina.  Mountains, Rivers, Salt Lakes and, salt deserts where those sweet pictures are taken. 

 Very excited because like I said in my last blog, I'm getting withdrawals from no nature, and am getting claustrophobic in this concrete jungle.  I hope we rent a car because that would (I'm assuming) come with a lot of interesting stories and memories :)  Anyways just wanted to update everybody...and I will again be taking shit tons of photos... Chau!

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