
high altitude video/ UPDATE


^^^^CLICK LINK ABOVE for a video to my dad and I running through the plan at Colera camp which is 20000 feet. Higher than Kilamanjaro! It was he highest I'd been prior to the next morning. :P

Here's a quick up date! Gotta get to bed!

So, I start school in the morning. Had a very fun first weekend, met lots of people, and met my roommates.  We went to Palermo which almost has a suburban feel but full of college aged kids.  We went to a couple bars and a couple clubs.  I met my (now) roommates when I was out late having coffee at a cafe, got to talking and yea it just kind of worked out. Two girls who've been long time friends, from different part of the world, both looking for an adventure/something new. Sara is from the UK and went to Oxford, has lived around the world and is in a gap year for her law degree. Devon is an american artist and photographer from New York who graduated from USC, also very well travelled. Both very nice and have great taste in music. They are hoping to get teaching jobs or some kind of job where they don't need to be fluent. Anyways, I am paying a third of what my hostel would have cost and it's a beautiful, cozy apartment, in a more locals neighborhood. I already moved in and have my own room, there's WIFI, TV, A/C, it's clean, and I can tell they are going to be great roommates, friends, and are as driven to learn Spanish as I am.  Funny how things work! That's it for now, I have to get up in 3 and a half hours...whoops




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