
Why, Hello!

I wrote my first blog, and it was my trip plan.  But What I forgot was to introduce myself.  I forget that my audience may not know me.

My name is James.  I am 24 and am about to graduate from the University of Colorado at Boulder with a degree (long overdue) in Sociology.  I have always dreamed of traveling to South America because there is so much culture down there. So much Adventure! I decided I needed to make it happen.  When, if not now, will I be able to just get up and leave...indefinitely...with no direction?  I have never been this excited in my entire life.  This will be my story.  It will be my way of documenting my trip.  It will be journalling, as well as a photo and video blogging.  I love pictures...as the cliche goes, a picture is worth a thousand words.  And how else will I make you all Jealous?

In order for you to decide whether you will read on or not, I want to tell you what I like to do and what kind of vibe this blog will have.  I am an outdoorsy person, and tend to have thrill-seeking tendencies.  So I like a rush...who doesn't.  I'm a very easygoing, low-maintenance guy and so this blog will reflect that. I do pretty much everything there is to do outside, and so you will see quite a bit of that.  I love love love music and will learn any instrument or form of music.  I actually am going to take advantage of this time to hopefully write a lot of music.  I am bringing a travel guitar down and will be playing and writing regularly.

Besides all this hippie shit, I also love city life, going out, and experiencing new cultures.  I want to learn how to tango.  I want to experience these bar-b-ques I keep hearing about.  I want to eat fresh produce.  I want to bargain with streetvendors.  I want to Jam with panhandlers.  I want to meet locals.  I want to make travel buddies, I love meeting people.  I love being in an uncomfortable, unknown place.  I love the idea of getting to choose my own adventure.  I am going to share all the prettiest beaches, oceans, mountains and rivers South America has to offer.  Lastly, I look forward to sharing all the good and the bad that will come with traveling.


PS...I'm doing this for me, and will write anything I feel I want to write.  It may get weird because...well I am a weird guy.  But just check in and see where I'm at every once and a while!


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