
Busy busy busy...

So I know I've been slacking... But I've been so busy and I guess it doesn't matter because I haven't left yet!

But in case anybody wants an update, I graduated last week (fam in town) then had three days to pack up my life in boulder. So needless to say, blogging wasn't a priority.

Tomorrow is the two week mark before our departure. We fly out the 8th and will begin the Aconcagua ascent the 10th of January. It will hopefully take no more than 16 days, but if you're not familiar with mountaineering, your life is in the hands of weather. So we will wait for clear weather forecasts etc.

I have met a lot of people and have spoken to friends who have been down and I can't stress to you all how excited and prepared I am for this epic adventure. I also recently watched the motorcycle diaries and Che Guevara literally did, the same route I will do, in the fifties, and it is what changed his whole life perspective. I'm sure you can imagine how stoked I was after seein a movie based on a similar journey I'm about to embark on. I also watched 180 degrees south again, which got me excited for the climb and the surf!!! Love those old dudes, because they lived in the moment their whole lives and really followed their passion and brought it to a much larger reality. Land conservation on a large scale in Patagonia.

This is also the first post with my travel/blog companion (iPAD) which is going to make everything easy! Pictures videos and blogs will be updated regularly and with ease.

Another update, I ordered and have received most of my equipment and let me tell you, it's makin me really comprehend the reality of how insane this climb is going to be. People get HAPE ( high altitude pulmonary edema) and HACE (high altitude cerebral edema) at around 8000 and we are summitting close to 23000 so as you can imagine t'is making me feel on edge. But in the end, I know we are being led by professionals who will not put us at anymore risk than us being on the mountain. They are highly skilled, trained professionals and my dad and I are perseverant animals!!!! We've both been training regularly and are trying to focus on staying healthy.

When I moved, I had to pack for three destinations, my storage unit, clothes to bring to dc, and my south America trip ( climbing part and travel part) and it was insane. I have so much more to do and will be train gig and packing vigorously for the next two weeks.

Anyways, I will update again in a week to let you know how planning, packing, and my nerves are doin! Until then, enjoy the holidays and family and remember if you want to join I'd love to have people meet me! Even if it's only for a few days, weeks. LIVE IN THE MOMENT... Live for adventure and unknowns, uncertainty. A lot of growth and discovery comes from these experiences and as much as a lot of it will suck, I know that I will talk of this trip for the rest of my existence, because when else in life (if u plan on joining the rat race) can you travel like this with no direction but adventure...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Years!

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