
My Plan until US, and future plans in the states!

So I have been way behind on blogging, but I assure you that I have been more busy now in these last two months than I have my entire trip.  

From Ecuador, I met Luli in Cartagena, and we spent an amazing week together walking around the old city and eating at great restaurants, and relaxing at beaches.  We even spent two nights in a Resort in Rodadero which is close to where I am now. We hiked into Parque Tayrona and spent a night in Hammocks which is a fun and unforgettable memory ;)

I work at a very amazing hostel with great people and have made some amazing friends.  I also volunteer about 10-12 hours a week teaching the cutest kids you can imagine.  I also started a fundraising website and thanks to mostly close family have raised close to 100 dollars, which has painted our school, bought soccer uniforms, a sports kit, and normal school supplies.  On top of that with what we have left, we will be rebuilding the roof to one of our schools. Its been amazing.  On top of my bar-tending at the hostel I go on boat cruises to Tayrona park, which is breathtaking and consists of the most amazing beaches i have ever seen.

I could go on for hours with stories and such but just know that there are just to many to share.  I have met amazing people, visited amazing places, shared great memories, and have found myself through this last 10 months.

I guess i decided to blog today because i have the rest of my trip planned out up until my arrival to Washington D.C. December 19th

Oct 31, I fly to Medellin and spend a week there because I have heard the city is amazingly cool, fun, and more attractive/hip.  Then I fly down to Bogota and stay for 5 or so days before Flying to Santiago,Chile. I'll be in Santiago for a week before heading south to Patagonia, and there i will be exploring and making my way into the Argentinian side, hopefully flying or busing from Bariloche, and northern Patagonian town that itself is gorgeous.  But I hope to be trekking almost the whole time which will be a nice change. I fly back to Buenos Aires and hopefully spend two or so weeks reuniting with friends there!

After New years I am going to the Wilderness Medicine Institute of NOLs and getting my   Wilderness EMT, which is a month long intensive course in Wyoming.  In between my free time at home and this course I'll be looking into guiding jobs, and wilderness therapy jobs.  I have to see the city first but I think I may be moving to Asheville, NC which I've heard is a really cool city, similar to Boulder, CO but bigger that has both the green aspect but also the metropolitan feel.  There two of my friends are wilderness therapy guides and they both love it, and so before moving I'll visit and hopefully interview with these companies and do that for a year or so.

So yea thats the plan (for now)

I truly hope everyone is doing great and am looking forward to seeing friends and family at christmas and the time I have home

PS Def. getting out to California and Colorado before doing my Nols course to see all my long lost friends....so get ready!

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